A Report on Ukraine’s Changing Needs During the War
Launch of the W4UA Report
15th February 2024 at 10.00 AM CEST
PAP Press Center
ul. Bracka 6/8 in Warsaw

World For Ukraine 2023 Report
This W4UA Report provides a range of recommendations for nongovernmental organizations, Ukrainian and foreign governments, media, and companies to address the needs and strengthen the response of these actors to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The report is based on the outcomes of over 35 panel discussions, presentations, and workshops held on September 28-29, 2023 in Rzeszów-Jasionka, Poland.
The report comes at a time when the humanitarian landscape in Ukraine is stabilizing, partnerships between sectors continue to form, and there is a growing awareness of humanitarian and economic needs. And yet, the report adds value by highlighting the perspective of experts and practitioners on the necessary improvements to the ongoing activities, help to neglected and vulnerable groups, gaps in healthcare legislation, and the growing need for cross-sectoral cooperation to counter Russian disinformation and combat war fatigue.

Serhii Kryvohuz
Adviser to the Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine
We cordially express our sincere gratitude for extending an
invitation to attend the W4UA Summit. The opportunity to
engage with thought leaders, gain insights into the latest
developments, and collaborate on innovative solutions is
one that we deeply appreciate.
We are aware of the significance of the W4UA Summit and
the impact it has on fostering collaboration, knowledge
sharing, and advancements in our shared areas of interest.
It is a privilege to be part of this gathering, and I am committed
to actively participating in all aspects of the summit to
make the most of this valuable experience.
We would like to express our gratitude not only for the invitation
but also for the effort and dedication that the organizing
team has put into making this event possible. Your
commitment to excellence is evident, and I am confident
that the W4UA Summit was a resounding success for supporting Ukraine.
Thank you for this invaluable opportunity, and we look
forward to fruitful cooperation in the future.

Konrad Fijołek
President of Rzeszow City
The World For Ukraine Summit is a great meeting of civil
society focused on helping Ukraine. I am very glad that it is
taking place in Rzeszów, a central place on the map of international efforts to support our struggling neighbor. I am
also glad that I could take honorary patronage of this event
and that I had the opportunity to participate in it as a panelist.
I talked, among other things, about how necessary it is
to build synergy between administration and civil society,
we did it in Rzeszów “before it was fashionable”. The mechanisms of broad civic participation we introduced built
trust, which resulted in the extraordinary involvement of residents in times of extreme humanitarian crisis, which we
could not even imagine before. This report by the W4UA
Foundation is another building block in strengthening these
mechanisms. This is a summary of hundreds of valuable
expert voices that were heard in September 2023 during
the W4UA Summit. I invite you to read and draw practical

Paweł Kowal
Polish government’s plenipotentiary for supporting Ukraine’s reconstruction
This report is a summary of the achievements of the World
For Ukraine Summit, which I had the opportunity to participate
in. This event played an important role: on the one
hand, it reminded us of the huge humanitarian tragedy that
still affects Ukraine, and on the other, we discussed opportunities and challenges related to building economic and
social cooperation between our countries. In Warsaw, Krakow
and Gdańsk we do not hear sirens from Kiev, so it is
easy to forget that the war in Ukraine is taking a tragic toll
every day in the form of people killed, injured and traumatized.
There is constant multi-domain Russian aggression,
which aims to destroy not only free Ukraine, but also the
European security system that ensures peace for us all,
including Poles. This is what the World For Ukraine Summit
was about. You hold in your hands an up-to-date list of
challenges facing Ukraine and all of us.

Dr Iryna Degtyarova
SGH rector’s plenipotentiary for cooperation with Ukrainian Universities
The world stands with Ukraine and puts in the efforts in
combating the challenges arising from the war, on the battlefield, on the frontline settlements, in the hospitals and
schools, physically and virtually, helps refugees. Everyone
is doing their best. Integration and alignment of the efforts,
harmonizing support, exchange of experiences, learning
from each other, communication and raising awareness
should be the core principles. In the knowledge production
and knowledge exchange international conferences,
like W4UA, play a significant role, helping to structure the
priorities and needs to develop adequate responses. The
W4UA report as an outcome of the Forum, provides evidence,
builds the knowledge and gives recommendations for different groups of stakeholders that will foster cross-sectoral cooperation and a better response. The report, as a comprehensive overview of the current and future challenges
of Ukraine, will be useful for different institutions in their self-reflection and development of tasks for the future, and for experts and researchers interested in Ukraine.
1st W4UA Summit: Repower Ukraine. Rebuild the Future
December 7th-9th, 2022
2nd W4UA Summit. The Roadmap to Freedom and Recovery
September 28th-29th, 2023
Location: G2A Arena, Rzeszów-Jasionka
The World for Ukraine Summits (W4UA) brought together over 2500 participants from various countries at the G2A Arena in Rzeszów-Jasionka, Poland. These events, held in the pivotal location of Jasionka, aim to coordinate humanitarian efforts for Ukraine by uniting different organizations and institutions.
The W4UA Summits serve to connect civil society, governments, and businesses in addressing Ukraine’s urgent humanitarian needs. They are known for their inclusive and non-political approach, allowing anyone to attend for free. These events have gained recognition for fostering genuine partnerships that result in tangible actions benefiting Ukrainians and Ukraine.
Since the beginning, the W4UA Summits have gathered a community of dedicated experts, leaders, and activists.

Check full lineup of speakers:
- Tetiana Kalyta, Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization
- Władysław Ortyl, Marshal of the Podkarpackie Region
- John Hewko, General Secretary and CEO, Rotary International
- Valeriia Palii, President, National Psychological Association of Ukraine
- Shams Asadi, Human Rights Commissioner and Head of the Human Rights
- Rafał Brzoska, CEO, Integer
- Dariusz Szymczycha, First Vice President, Polish – Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce
- Kamil Wyszkowski, Representative Executive Director and UNOPS Representative in Poland
- Nina Jankowicz, Vice President, Centre for Information Resilience
- Władysław Atroszenko, Mayor of Chernihiv
- Juha Auvinen, Head of Southeast Europe and Eastern Neighbourhood (ECHO.DDG.C.2) at the European Commission
- Brock Bierman, President of Ukraine Friends, former Director at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- Richard Branson, British philanthropist, entrepreneur, and founder of Virgin Group
- Michael Capponi, American philanthropist and entrepreneur, founder of Global Empowerment Mission
- Konrad Fijołek, Mayor of Rzeszów
- Magdalena Gawin, Professor, Director of the Pilecki Institute and Lemkin Center
- Oleksandr Hryban, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine
- Dmytro Klets, Reform Support Team at the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
- Oleg Kuts, Chargé d’affaires of the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland
- Ewa Leniart, Governor of Podkarpackie Voivodeship
- Hanna Maliar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine
- Joanna Ochojska, President of Polish Humanitarian Action, Member of the European Parliament
- Andrij Sadowyj, Mayor of Lviv
- David Schlaefer, Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of State for War Crimes and Accountability in Ukraine
- Oleksandr Sienkiewicz, Mayor of Mykolaiv
- Leendert Verbeek, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
…and many other distinguished speakers involved in various forms of assistance for Ukraine.
Report 2022
Read the report: Joint Action for Ukraine: A Comprehensive Report on Ukraine’s Humanitarian, Social, and Economic Needs
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