Prof. Zbigniew Lasocik, Ph.D., is a professor of law and criminology at the University of Warsaw and the director of its Human Trafficking Studies Centre. He is also an expert of the European Commission, the OSCE and the Council of Europe and has served as Regional Director the EU PHARE/TACIS Democracy Program where he was responsible for Eastern Europe, including Ukraine. He has participated in over 60 international fact-finding and monitoring missions around the world.

Professor Lasocik is the former President of the Polish Section of the International Commission of Jurists, a former member of the United Nations’ Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture, and the author of 130 publications in criminology, human rights, human trafficking, torture prevention and prison systems. He has been a recipient of numerous scholarships and has visited numerous universities, among others Columbia University (New York), Harvard University (Boston), Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (Buenos Aires), John Jay College of Criminal Justice (New York), Sam Houston State University (Huntsville), California State University, and the London School of Economics (London).