Pritan Ambroase is a film director, producer, media entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is originally from Kent (England) and continues to be globally praised for combining entertainment, philanthropy and education to further humanitarianism and unite people all over the world. As one of the few CEOs who has physically protested for human rights in more than 25 countries, he has been nicknamed the ‘Rebel with A Cause’.

Pritan is the CEO of ‘The Hollywood Insider’ media network which has banned gossip and scandal and focuses solely on substance and meaningful entertainment by combining entertainment, education and philanthropy. He is also the President of the ‘Masters of Cinema Awards’ which recognize excellence and extraordinary contributions to the world of cinema which do not involve campaigning and politics. At the age of 18, Pritan started the philanthropic organization called ‘Humans of Our World Foundation’ which has continued to help people in need in over 190 countries around the world.

Pritan’s values were considerably shaped by his diverse upbringing. By the time he graduated from 12th grade, he had attended 11 different schools, of which 6 were boarding schools, in seven different countries and three different continents. This way, he had come to know a plethora of languages, cultures, religions and worlds. The experience of having seen such vastly different cultures and the similarities between them shaped his wish to unite the world through education, entertainment and philanthropy.