Artur Górniewski has been at the border from day 1, outcast of the war. Volunteering in Medyka, organising transport of humanitarian relief to all who reached us out. We have had warehouses in Lviv, Kiev and then moved centre of our operation to a bigger warehouse in Poland. As a tour guide, historian with ‘Philosophy of Culture’ background, Artur sees entire picture of the war. He wants to share his vision of bringing H.E.L.P. precisely, where it is needed. As the H.E.L.P. Foundation we have been securing free transport, accommodation and food for refugees and the brave who stayed in Ukraine. Artur visits Ukraine once per month to secure deliveries, payments for handicapped children and just wants to catch up with his Ukrainian friends, who cannot leave the country. Current efforts of the Foundation are focused on bringing hope to resettled Orphan children in Poland. We organised winter clothes, Wi-Fi, medical support and toys for 1000+ Orphan children.